Friday, March 14, 2014

How did the Industrial Revolution affect migration patterns during this period?

The Industrial Revolution had a prodigious impact on migration from 1750-1900.

-Industrialization: New innovations were seen throughout this time period, and factories began sprouting across all of Europe. Factories centralized the production of food and common goods resulting in increased migration to cities.  All sorts of people ,including farmers who were driven out of work, headed to urbanized areas in search of new jobs that sprouted due to the incredible innovations developed during the Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution had a prodigious impact on migration from 1750-1900.

Smith, Bonnie G., Marc van de Vieroop, Richard van Glahn, and Kris Lane.
      Crossroads and Cultures: A History of the World's Peoples. United Sates of America: Bedford/
      St. Martin's, 2012. Online.

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