Thursday, March 13, 2014

What were the causes of World population growth?

During the times of the Industrial Revolution, the world population saw a great increase. Scholars and historians attribute this population increase to numerous factors. One of these points is the better medical care established at the time. In the early seventeenth century, the population grew about fifty seven percent to 700 million and over one billion by the early eighteenth century. Another, yet similar point, is the increased use of natural and manmade resources, energy, food, housing and land. In turn, this population increase caused a higher need of many of these resources, showing that many things in the world are connected and feeding off one another.
    The production of new pills at a factory

    An image showing one of the many inventionstyatbincreased efficiency (cotton)

"World Population - Causes of Growth - Learn More - Our Changing Planet - UMAC."World Population - Causes of Growth - Learn More - Our Changing Planet - UMAC. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

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