Friday, March 21, 2014

What types of migration were voluntary vs. involuntary?

Voluntary vs. Involuntary Migration 1750-1900

-Voluntary: Voluntary migration occurred around the world during this time period due to the search for new jobs created by the Industrial Revolution and the pursuit of new opportunities. People felt inspired by ideas originating from the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment causing them to migrate in search of better lives. Such is seen in the migration of Europeans to the Americas in search of religious freedom as well as new work capable of supporting families.

-Involuntary: Involuntary migration occurred during this time period due to the continual use of indentured servants, slaves, and indigenous people for extensive labor projects and agriculture. Huge migration was seen as wealthy patrons in the Americas imported African slaves to work in silver mines and on sugar plantations. These slaves were essential to the global economy as they grew some of the world's most desired commodities including sugar, cocoa beans, and tobacco.  As Asia was forced into the larger global market by powerful Europeans, who had far more advanced weaponry, they began sending ambassadors to Europe and other parts of the world in order to discover new beneficial technology. Penal colonies also played a large role in global migration. In addition, all sorts of ideas, languages, and culture in general were spread across the globe with criminals who were shipped off to distant lands such as the Americas and Australia. 

Smith, Bonnie G., Marc van de Vieroop, Richard van Glahn, and Kris Lane.
      Crossroads and Cultures: A History of the World's Peoples. United Sates of America: Bedford/
      St. Martin's, 2012. Online.


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