Thursday, March 27, 2014

Key People

Key People:

-Commodore Mathew Perry: United State's steam boat captain who forced Japan to open its ports to trade with the United States.

-Gottlieb Daimler: Invented a prototype of the modern gasoline engine.

-Karl Benz: Inventor of the first practical automobile.

-Muhammad Ali: Commander in the Ottoman army who declared himself as the leader of Egypt. He spent much of his time modernizing Egypt by sending his subjects to Europe to learn of new techniques and machinery that would lead to the industrialization of Egypt. 

-James Watt: Created a more practical steam engine that could be used in various ways.

Smith, Bonnie G., Marc van de Vieroop, Richard van Glahn, and Kris Lane.
      Crossroads and Cultures: A History of the World's Peoples. United Sates of America: Bedford/
      St. Martin's, 2012. Online.

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